Resultados: 10

Factors associated with decision time to seek care in the face of ischemic stroke

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 57 (), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify the association between sociodemographic, clinical, environmental, cognitive, and emotional factors and the decision time of people with ischemic stroke to seek a health service after the onset of symptoms or wake up stroke. Method: Cross-sectional study carried out from M...

Social representations of nurses of the Emergency Care Unit towards people with mental disorder

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 57 (), 2023
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the Social Representations of nurses from an Emergency Care Unit about the care provided to people with mental disorders. Method: Qualitative exploratory study, supported by the theoretical and methodological framework of the Theory of Social Representations. Interview...

Team climate and job satisfaction in a Mobile Emergency Care Service

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 56 (), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the team climate and job satisfaction in a Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU). Method: this is a quantitative, exploratory-descriptive study. The sample corresponded to 95 workers, allocated in 40 teams of a SAMU in the Metropolitan Region of the city of São Paulo. We...

Association of the Charlson index with risk classification, clinical aspects, and emergency outcomes

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 56 (), 2022
Abstract Objective: To exam the association of the age-adjusted Charlson comorbidity index with the categories of risk classification, the clinical aspects, and the patient outcomes in the emergency department. Method: Cross-sectional, analytical study that analyzed the medical records of 3,624 patient...

Liderança Coaching no contexto do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 54 (), 2020
RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar a Liderança Coaching exercida pelos coordenadores de enfermagem nas unidades do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência, na percepção dos coordenadores e técnicos de enfermagem, além da sua correlação com três variáveis sociodemográficas. Método: Estudo descriti...

Acidentes de trabalho e os riscos ocupacionais identificados no Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 54 (), 2020
RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho entre trabalhadores do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência e a associação com os riscos ocupacionais identificados. Método Estudo quantitativo, exploratório, descritivo e transversal, realizado com trabalhadores, entre janeir...

Acolhimento com classificação de risco em unidade de pronto atendimento: estudo avaliativo

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 52 (), 2018
RESUMO Objetivo Descrever a avaliação da estrutura, processo e resultado do Acolhimento com Classificação de Risco, na perspectiva dos médicos e enfermeiros de uma Unidade de Pronto Atendimento. Método Estudo avaliativo, descritivo, quantitativo, desenvolvido em Santa Catarina. Dados coletados co...

Hand hygiene compliance of healthcare professionals in an emergency department

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 51 (), 2017
Abstract OBJECTIVE To analyze compliance with hand hygiene by healthcare professionals in an emergency department unit. METHOD This is a longitudinal quantitative study developed in 2015 with healthcare professionals from a university hospital in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Each professional was mo...

Collective strategy for facing occupational risks of a nursing team

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 51 (), 2017
Abstract OBJECTIVE To socialize an educational action through the process of group discussion and reflection, with the aim to increase the care of nursing workers in facing occupational risks. METHOD A qualitative descriptive study using the Convergent Care Research modality with nursing staff working ...

Educational topics for school from the perspective of professionals in the Mobile Emergency Service

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 50 (spe), 2016
Objective To systematize, with professionals from the Mobile Emergency Care Service of Santa Catarina municipality, the main issues for the development of an educational tool of attention to the emergency room, dedicated to the school-age population. Method Qualitative study, conducted through meetings ...